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Adà:Requests for date

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<DynamicPageList> category=Requests for date namespace=0 count=5 addfirstcategorydate=true mode=ordered order=ascending </DynamicPageList>

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<DynamicPageList> category=Requests for date namespace=0 count=5 addfirstcategorydate=true mode=ordered order=descending </DynamicPageList>

To add an article to this category, use the template reference {{rfdate}} or {{rfdatek}} to include the author. Please remove the template from the article once the date has been provided. Articles are also added automatically by templates such as {{quote-book}} if the year= parameter is not provided. Providing the parameter in each case on the page automatically removes the article from this category. See Wiktionary:Quotations for information about formatting dates and quotations.

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